Environmental Quality Incentive Program

Receive financial incentives for implementing conservation practices

  • EQIP money is available in all areas, but 75% is designated for use in watersheds that have been selected as EQIP Priority Areas.
  • 50% of all EQIP money has been designated for use in developing or improving animal waste systems.
  • Producer must develop and implement a whole farm conservation management plan.

EQIP Provides Incentives for:

  • Implementation of Management Practices
  • Installation of Conservation Structures
  • Installation of Vegetative Structures
  • Installation of Animal Waste Systems

EQIP Incentives

  • Most practices have a cost share rate of 75%
  • Maximum amount of money paid per contract is $50,000, with a limit of $10,000 paid per year.
  • Term of Contract: 5-10 years