Please join us for our 6th Annual (almost) Soil Health Field Day to be held 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Wednesday, September 8th 2021 at Roemke Farms. Lunch is provided.
Our expert speakers will be discussing a wide variety of topics in three separate sessions which include:
The Grow Down on Cover Crops – Inter-seeding & cover crops w/crimper and roller demonstrations
Getting to the Root of It – Tile camera demonstrations
SOIL-utions to Soil Health – Soil health presentations and tile smoking
8:00 Doors Open/Registration/Vendors
8:15 Opening/Welcome, Jerry Raynor
8:30 Cashing in on Carbon$- How will carbon credits shape the future?
9:35 Educational Sessions (the above topics will be covered in each of the three 50 minutes sessions)
12:15 Lunch
12:45 Presentation by Lieutenant Governor Suzanne Crouch
1:30 Farmer Panel with moderator Rob Winters
2:30 Equipment and Vendor Presentations
**PARP and CEU credits will be available, CCA apply online.**
For more information on Annual Soil health Field Day or for more information on how to become a vendor or exhibitor, email us at or call our office at (260) 484-5848 ext. 3.