Wolff with Purdue Extension shares the benefits of soil testing, how to take a soil test at home, and how to interpret your soil test results from the lab. Bergschneider, the Indiana State Urban Conservationist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), shares an introduction to high tunnels as well as low tunnels. High and low tunnels have the potential to benefit your operation through season extension. Learn about the basics of getting started and the NRCS practices that help growers attain high tunnels. Franke, the NRCS District Conservationist in Steuben County, will be sharing about common invasive plants in Northeast Indiana as well as control methods and resources. He looks at common invasive plants in various habitats, cropland, pasture, forest/wildlife habitat, landscaping, etc. Ollier with the Hendricks County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) shares her expertise on how to plant fall cover crops as well as which cover crops might be right for your operation. Laura Ingwell, the Assistant Professor in Horticulture Entomology, shared her expertise on cruciferous caterpillars, aphids, and cucumber beetles that we may encounter in our gardens. She shared an Integrated Pest Management approach to managing these pests. Perry, the Northeast Urban Soil Health Specialist with the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (IASWCD) shares his expertise on various methods of mulching. Jamie helps you choose which method is right for your operation.