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GLRI-USGS Edge of Field Project

January 2021 An update on the SWCD and USGS partnership: Edge of Field Project. This project collaborates with local farmers to collect water samples for an estimate five years to

2020 River Boat Tours Prove to be Successful

This fall, the Allen County SWCD and the Maumee Watershed Alliance had numerous opportunities to give tours of Fort Wayne’s three rivers – the St. Mary’s, the St. Joseph’s, and

Flatrock/Auglaize Watershed Management Plan

Flatrock/Auglaize Watershed Management Plan The Steering Committee and staff have been collecting information about the Flatrock/Auglaize watershed and comparing it to the List of Concerns that the Steering Committee and

A Big Thank You to Mike Werling!

Mike Werling (Allen County SWCD) on his farm homestead in Adams County, Indiana off Winchester Road. Mike is a soil health farmer who practices no-till, cover crops, and other conservation practices.

The Allen County Soil and Water Conservation District is extending a huge thank you and round of applause to Mike Werling, our Conservation Programs Specialist. Mike, a fourth-generation conservation farmer

Integrated Pest Management for Three Pesky Insects

Allen County SWCD use IPM on three common pests with Purdue Professor of Entomology Lauren Ingwell

In a 2022 Coffee and Pest Management webinar, Dr. Laura Ingwell, an Assistant Professor in Horticulture Entomology at Purdue University, described Integrated Pest Management for three different pests. Dr. Ingwell